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What Your Brand Colors Mean

Branding is an integral aspect of a company and encompasses the design, identity, and vision. It allows for a company to stand out amongst competition, so customers can identify the brand. In order for a company to be eye-catching, the logo and designs need to encapsulate the brand. The right color palette establishes a distinct identity and adds versatility. Color choices add a visual connection from the business to the customers. The correct colors can be aesthetic, but also connect to consumers on a psychological level. Depending on the company and what industry they are in, they will want to implement a specific color palette to elicit specific behaviors. Below are different brand colors and the psychological meaning behind them.


A very popular color for branding, red symbolizes passion, anger, and excitement. Perfect for a younger company with a loud and playful identity. Common associations with red include: warmth, love, romance, comfort, and energy.


Encompassing friendliness and cheer, yellow is a warm color to embrace happy emotions. This color is ideal for companies who wish to draw in customers with comfort, warm embraces, and a youthful energy. Common associations with yellow include: happiness, positivity, affordability, friendly, and youthful.


A mix of red and yellow, orange is a more energetic version. It creates a more active emotion while using yellow’s mellow tones. Orange is a good choice for companies who want to spike vitality and happiness in their customers. Perfect for traveling companies who wish to inspire their young, traveling patrons. Orange can be aggressive and promote call-to-actions, but also use a friendliness approach. Common associations with orange include: energy, excitement, playfulness, and prosperity.


Sophistication and royalty, purple is the color to use to exude this luxury energy. Purple is a good choice for brands who wish to display creativity and showcase a soothing identity. Most cosmetic companies and high-end retailers use purple in their logo and design. On the other hand, deeper purples are designed for practical and broader businesses. Common associations with purple include: luxury, authenticity, truthfulness, and introspection.


Green is a more restful color because it doesn’t force the eye to make adjustments. It evokes a sense of balance and calm as it connects to nature. With that being said, most sustainable and eco-friendly companies will use green in their logo. Green displays a fresh perspective and security, making the user relax their mind. Since green is more calming, it is not meant for brands trying to portray an energetic statement. Common associations with green include: fertility, nature, wealth, tranquility, and harmony.


Similar to green, blue also inspires a sense of calm, awareness, and feelings of trust. A lighter blue is a great color choice for healthcare companies who want to promote calmness and healing. A deeper blue is perfect for corporate brands who wish to be known for their professionalism and confidence. On the contrary, overusing blue can make a brand seem detached and cold. Common associations with blue include: loyalty, sophistication, wisdom, mystery, and respectability.


A more serious color, brown can inspire honesty and sincerity. It is a softer color than black and connects to natural tones and remains more grounded. The color brown is perfect for companies who are known for their support and reliability. It can also connect to nature and Earth, which elicits a more warm feeling. Common associations with brown include: security, friendship, seriousness, confidence, and nature.


A powerful color in branding, black can offer a symbol of professionalism. It can elicit feelings of luxury, elegance, substance, and power. Companies who use black in their branding want to convey a powerful statement, and ensure authority and respect. Common associations with black include: intelligence, glamor, moderness, luxury, and power.

While there are many aspects of a company’s branding, the color palette remains one of the most integral. Not only are colors visually appealing and aesthetic, but they also evoke certain emotions. Certain businesses in different industries will use specific colors to inspire feelings, promote their values and mission, and encapsulate their promise. The psychology behind colors are scientifically proven, which is why companies use customized color palettes!

Written by Omega High Impact Print Solutions’ Marketing Intern, Noelle Reinhardt

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