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How to Target New Audiences Through Print

“82% percent of Americans trust print ads over other types of advertisements. - PR Newswire”

We’ve said it a million times, and we will say it a million times more - print isn't dead! If you don’t believe us, take it from our friend Henry. And Just to back up that statement even more, studies have revealed that 82% percent of Americans trust print ads over other types of advertisements. Printed advertisements not only build trust with your current customers, it can also help engage with a larger and new audience. But, how does one create a print advertisement that aligns with your digital campaigns and effectively target those new audiences? To help answer that, we have developed some insights on effective ways to approach the process when contacting us about your next print job. 1. Consistency is key

  • Resist the urge to make your advertisements look different across channels. It needs to be recognizable - whether on a billboard or on a website. Keep the elements on your print campaigns that were used to speak directly to your customers on your digital campaigns. Try utilizing a specialized hashtag or web address to help connect your real world campaigns with your digital ones.

2. Utilize a singular message

  • While it may be tempting to cram large amounts of information into print advertisements, we advise against this. If you are targeting the same audience across channels, your message should NOT change. When you keep the message the same, it gives the audience a change to view it in multiple locations. Which in return, makes your advertisements more memorable.

3. Supply Value

  • There are many ways value can be defined to your customers. But, we want to explain why monetary value aligned in your print advertisement works wonders.

  • Monetary value from a company is looked at very highly. Infact, a study conveyed by RetailMeNot & Omnibus Company demonstrated that 96% of Americans utilize coupons, with it not being exclusive to any specific demographic. The study then showcased that 66% of 18+ year old consumers will utilize a coupon if they receive it. Tangible incentives promote consumers to take the action you want them to take.

4. Interact with your audience

  • Just because it's printed, doesn't mean it needs to be static! Try spicing up your print advertisements with QR codes, Call to Actions and or mobile phone apps. Utilizing this method can help promote interactions between your audience and your brand. Plus, you are promoting your audience to do more than just read an ad.By having them interact with your advertisement, you are able to seamlessly link your digital presence and the real world.

To sum it up, properly exposing your brand to your audience is crucial, and it takes time! It's actually a 7-1 ratio; 7 being the amount of exposures a customer needs in order for them to perform one action. But to get those exposures you need to identify and target your customers properly. Using Print and digital advertisements together to achieve those customer actions is not only tremendously important, integration is also cost-effective.



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