When it comes to incorporating print in your marketing plan, selecting which print materials to utilize can be a difficult decision. While there are tons of options out there, each with their own specific advantages, one print material you can’t go wrong with is flyers. Using flyers with eye-catching graphics and a strong message is one of the best ways to market your brand, products, services and events. Of course, where you distribute your flyers is crucial to your marketing success. Knowing the optimal locations to place your print is essential to garner the attention of your target audience and a high response rate. Below, we will discuss where you should be circulating your flyers in order to maximize their effectiveness.
Inside Shopping Bags
If you own a brick-and-mortar retail business, placing a flyer into your customers’ shopping bags at checkout is an easy way to bring attention to any potential upcoming sales, in-store event, new products or services, or your brand in general. Since the patron will eventually be removing their new wares from the bag, they are bound to see any flyer that’s been slipped inside. Plus, because this individual is already doing business with you, they most likely already harbor positive attitudes toward your brand that can be easily bolstered by your print marketing material.
Hand out to Event Attendees
Does your business ever have a presence at festivals, concerts, trade shows or any other event? Directly disseminating your flyers to those in attendance may be your best bet. This includes both standing amongst the crowd and passing them out directly, as well as passing them out at your booth to people who stop to learn more. Your flyer complements the discussions you have with people you come across or who visit your booth, and strengthens their ability to recall your business, even after the event has concluded.
Inside Packages
For businesses that ship and deliver their products, placing flyers within their packaging is an effective placement for further advertising their business. As is the case with placing them in customer’s shopping bags, your flyers are bound to be noticed upon the customer opening their package. Also, even if your company doesn’t ship any items, distributing your flyers within product packaging may still be a possibility. You may want to explore a partnership with a business(es) with a similar customer base, that allows you to insert flyers into their packages instead.
Via Direct Mail
Another great way to make sure your flyers reach your target customer base is by sending them out as direct mail. This method allows you to directly reach your personal customer list or an outsourced list of consumers who fit your target consumer profile. Even in a heavily digitized world, direct mail is still very effective. Recent research has shown that direct mail has a higher ROI than both paid search or online display ads. You could even incorporate variable data into your direct mail flyers, which can give your print a personal touch, boost your chances of garnering a response, and increase conversion rates.
On Social Media
Flyers don’t have to be limited to print form. Once your business’s flyers have been designed and printed, you have the ability to utilize a digital version of the flyer to post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media platform where your company has a presence. By disseminating an online version of your flyer on social media, you maximize your potential reach. This is because anyone who views it has the ability to easily share it with their friends, family and followers.
Flyers can prove to be an exceptionally powerful print marketing material for any and all businesses. However, like any type of advertisement, if they are not exposed to the right audience, their effectiveness can be severely stunted. Knowing where to distribute your flyers so that your target consumer base can take notice is absolutely crucial. While the composition of your flyer is important in it’s own right, where you place them is the determining factor in whether or not they produce positive results for your business.