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How to Become a Star Seller on Etsy (2024)

By Gracie Steel, Digital Marketing Assistant at Omega High-Impact Print Solutions

Etsy is a leading e-commerce platform that frequently introduces new initiatives to support its sellers and optimize the user experience for shoppers. One such ingenuity is the Etsy Star Seller program, where Etsy shops are recognized and rewarded for outstanding performance. Follow along as we explore the program, its qualifications, and how it can drive the success of your Etsy shop.

Etsy on mobile and desktop.

Let's begin!

What is Etsy's Star Seller Program?

This program is intended to recognize and reward sellers for providing a consistently exceptional customer experience by placing a Star Seller badge on their shop profile. Take a look at one of our marketing clients, Big Daddy Life, and how the Star Seller badge is highlighted on their shop profile.

Big Daddy Life shop profile featuring the Etsy Star Seller badge.

How Can I Become a Star Seller?

You'll have to meet certain criteria across messaging, shipping, ratings, orders, and sales before you qualify for the program. Every month, Etsy uses the last three months of your shop data to see if you have:

  1. Responded to at least 95% of initial messages within 24 hours. It does not evaluate ongoing conversations, conversations you initiate, messages from Etsy, or if you do not receive any messages.

  2. Ensured that 95% of orders shipped on time with tracking. If any physical orders are marked as complete without tracking, it could harm your Star Seller progress or standing status.

  3. Maintained an average review rating of 4.8 stars or higher.

  4. Had a minimum of 5 orders during the three-month review period.

  5. Made at least $300 in sales during the three-month review period. Your shop must also be up-and-running for 90 days after your first sale.

5-star reviews for Big Daddy Life, an Etsy shop.

What Are the Perks?

The Etsy Star Seller badge helps you stand out among the competition. Not only does in catch the attention of potential buyers, but it also increases the likelihood that Etsy will feature your shop, your products, or services in its marketing efforts.


Big Daddy Life products being featured frequently in the search results with an Etsy star seller badge next to the shop name.

How Can I Check My Star Seller Status?

To check your progress, go to SHOP MANAGER > STAR SELLER. Your dashboard contains many helpful insights to achieving and maintaining Star Seller status.

Etsy Star Selle[r page in the Store Manager section of Etsy.

Your Star Seller badge is more than just an accolade, it's proof of your commitment to customer satisfaction. As long as you stand firmly by what you offer and how you conduct your business, you'll achieve Star Seller status in no time! To stay up-to-date on all things print and digital marketing, subscribe here.



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