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Why Using Promotional Products can Help Your Business

Finding ways to leverage your business in a digital world is ceaseless - things get lost in translation and people may potentially forget why they even clicked on your advertisement to begin with. However, one thing we know that works for sure is the use of promotional products.

So, what is a promotional product and why should you be using it?

Let us give you some context.

Promotional products - Branded articles of merchandise with the company’s name, logo and or tag line, with the intent to distribute to a specific audience, for free.

Now, you may be thinking… I can't afford to give stuff away for free. Keep in mind, the opportunities for new brand exposure gained from promotional marketing materials are unparalleled - ROI! Here are a few reasons why using promotional products can help promote your business and generate more revenue.

Repetitive brand marketing

People consume digital advertisements multiple times a day, which makes it very easy for a paid advertisement to get lost in a customer’s feed. Digital saturation is real. However, it is not as easy for them to forget about branded merchandise. Useful promotional products, like stationeries, mugs and tshirts, are common items customers use on a daily basis and will most likely be held onto. When a current or previous customer wears your promotional t-shirt in public, they are practically a walking billboard! This widens your window for reaching new potential customers and helps build your brand’s awareness. Generating more leads is the ultimate goal.

Physical connection to your brand

Customers can't touch or feel digital ads - there’s a lack of consumer connection. Mugs can be used for beverages, pens for jotting down lists or memos, shirts for wearing in public and so much more. Customers can become attached to the usage of this item, making it a steady reminder that your company provided them with that product.

Targeting your audience

Promotional products allow you to control who you want to invest your advertising dollars in. If you have a good understanding of who your customer is, you can streamline your marketing campaign to fit the needs of your customers, invest in the proper promotional products, and finally, provide your targeted audience with value. Promotional products can last far longer in the eyes of your customers, where digital advertisements wind up lost in the social clutter.

Remember, promotional products come in all various shapes and sizes. If a customer can touch it and see it, they will most likely want it.

Written by Omega’s Digital Marketing Intern, Danielle Elia



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